
On the 8th July 2020 Chancellor Rishi Sunak delivered his Summer Statement. As expected, the statement concentrated on job retention following recovery from the COVID19 pandemic. The statement can be summarised as follows: Stamp Duty: An immediate freeze on Stamp Duty up from £125,000 to £500,000 which will run...

Most companies have a business continuity plan and take out insurance to help protect their assets from loss or damage. However, they can often overlook the need to protect their most valuable assets – their people. Business protection can help to protect your business or...

Rishi Sunak delivered his first Budget on 11 March 2020. Here’s a summary of the proposed changes; Pensions Annual allowance - The annual allowance remains at £40,000 for 2020/21. Lifetime allowance - The lifetime allowance for pensions will increase from £1,055,000 to £1,073,100 for 2020/21. Money purchase annual allowance...